Sunday, 7 October 2007

Attack of the Freshers

Well its that time of year again when freshers decend upon us in their masses. And thus it is that time to start organising stuff for my campus society DevSoc. The society aims to help students who have a passion for technology to be able to unleash it on the latest and greatest tools around to create rich experiences for themselves and the people around them. To help them out we will be running several workshops and classes to show them the way in several programming languages such as C#, LUA and of course good old C.

Along with this we aim to have some industry speakers in to talk about what they are doing and how to better equip oneself when we finally get a degree and go looking for a job.

In the first few weeks of term I'll be hosting our freshers fair stall and then we will have a few informal meetings, most likely down the Yorkshire Terrier (what a pub!)