Friday, 8 June 2007

Microsoft PopFly

Well theres yet another cool new feature that Microsoft has launched, currently its still only an Alpha but I have had chance to use it. Its based on another recent technology called Silverlight and uses it as a presentation layer to create mashups between different web services. Such as placing peoples location from Facebook on a Virtual Earth map.

I was rather lucky to get an invite to it for being a MSP (Microsoft Student Partner) however I already had an invite! Guess I'm just lucky.

Its a cool technology which is along the same lines as Yahoo Pipes(though never tried it), you can even create your own blocks or collection of blocks for other people use.

I'll most like post again once I have messed around some more and maybe post some screenshots.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Lots of things...been a crazy few weeks

Well lots of things have been happening lately, and regretably I haven't had time to blog about them all lately (mainly due to the rather epic amount of revision I have to do) but hopefully I will try to cover them all now.

MSP (Microsoft Student Partner)
Well I am now a MSP, one of about 30 I believe in this country in which we get to visit the reading campus a few times and with the help of Microsoft try and organise some cool events. Its really great to move up from a Microsoft Student Rep and hopefully there will be some cool new stuff I can learn about or get involved in.

I won some more stuff!
Well I came second in the Microsoft Student Star Rep competition and won myself a top of the range NX-6000 notebook webcam which is awesome. Shame I missed out on first place by only 10 points; to put that in context I had 1805 points at the end. Although I think the distribution of points was rather unfair I won't complain. I was just happy to win, yey!

STC 2007(Student Technology Conference) in Germany
Well Microsoft kindly invited me to go to Germany to attend the 2007 Student Technology Conference, and so I of course said yes. It was a great event and learnt quite a lot of info about some new Microsoft technologies and had a great time along the way 'haben sie tee?' Well was nice to brush up on my German and I wouldn't mind going again next year!

DevSoc (Developer Society)
Well I am trying to create a new student society, called DevSoc. Its aimed at helping students learn about new technologies and find ways to use existing ones in a cool new way. We hope to get industry speakers in and have lots of interesting workshops to learn new languages or just to have fun.