Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Lots of things...been a crazy few weeks

Well lots of things have been happening lately, and regretably I haven't had time to blog about them all lately (mainly due to the rather epic amount of revision I have to do) but hopefully I will try to cover them all now.

MSP (Microsoft Student Partner)
Well I am now a MSP, one of about 30 I believe in this country in which we get to visit the reading campus a few times and with the help of Microsoft try and organise some cool events. Its really great to move up from a Microsoft Student Rep and hopefully there will be some cool new stuff I can learn about or get involved in.

I won some more stuff!
Well I came second in the Microsoft Student Star Rep competition and won myself a top of the range NX-6000 notebook webcam which is awesome. Shame I missed out on first place by only 10 points; to put that in context I had 1805 points at the end. Although I think the distribution of points was rather unfair I won't complain. I was just happy to win, yey!

STC 2007(Student Technology Conference) in Germany
Well Microsoft kindly invited me to go to Germany to attend the 2007 Student Technology Conference, and so I of course said yes. It was a great event and learnt quite a lot of info about some new Microsoft technologies and had a great time along the way 'haben sie tee?' Well was nice to brush up on my German and I wouldn't mind going again next year!

DevSoc (Developer Society)
Well I am trying to create a new student society, called DevSoc. Its aimed at helping students learn about new technologies and find ways to use existing ones in a cool new way. We hope to get industry speakers in and have lots of interesting workshops to learn new languages or just to have fun.

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