Saturday, 21 May 2011

Finally a use for my .Net Micro Framework Widgets Library

So still busy working away on my Child Sleep Safe Imagine Cup entry, this time I have been working on a .Net Micro Framework demonstrator application to show off Serial X10 communication messages.

I am using my Widgets library that I wrote years ago for my OPO runtime on the Micro Framework, that near worked correctly but this does. I am using the widgets for the X10 Configuration screens, a menu system and the about dialog box (as shown)

In other news the PC software is moving along, now with the charting tools being operational

Monday, 9 May 2011

Imagine Cup 2011 UK Finals & The world

So there media has already started churning away, horray says my CV.

Here are a few of the things that have sprouted up on the internet so far:

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011: UK Finals from Tim Rogers on Vimeo.

A great video showing off the UK Finals (And you can see me at the conference table right at the end of the video)

Microsoft has released a Blog post on the main Imagine Cup website about the UK finals where you can see a lovely picture of me and also a comment that I don't believe I ever said (in those particular words) ...creative journalism :)

York University kindly mentioning me winning the UK finals ...twice. Was also nice them mentioning the Degree I never did (I did a Bsc not an Msc, but hope to get the Msc certificate in the post soon)

Shiny new DSLR & working on the Imagine Cup.

Well to mark my trip to New York for the Imagine Cup in July, I went out and got myself a shiny new Nikon d3100 DSLR so I have chance to take some great pictures while there. Beats the 3mp old wreak of a camera I took with me to Warsaw.

So a little more about my project. I've been working on the networking code lately. The implementation I am using is based on Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) This handles the underlying message formatting, synchronisation and transmission so I need only worry about the messages themselves.

The messages that MSMQ pass between the Embedded device and the PC are a serialization of a class containing a variety of fields useful to Child Sleep Safe. As MSMQ has a limit of 4mb per message which should be more than enough really but just to be safe I implemented compression on the message body using System.IO.Compression and to add additional security there is also Encryption using System.Security. These two properties can be user configured so once a message has been received, and is de-serialized to a class these properties are checked and the required actions are performed.

The code I am basing my networking stack on is the MSMQ example as part of the Windows Mobile SDK (Library Book Example App) which is also available for download on MSDN, though my implementation is heavily modified to allow much easier two way communications.

Sorry to all those looking for code samples but I don't want to release anything till after the Imagine Cup finals.