Monday, 9 May 2011

Imagine Cup 2011 UK Finals & The world

So there media has already started churning away, horray says my CV.

Here are a few of the things that have sprouted up on the internet so far:

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011: UK Finals from Tim Rogers on Vimeo.

A great video showing off the UK Finals (And you can see me at the conference table right at the end of the video)

Microsoft has released a Blog post on the main Imagine Cup website about the UK finals where you can see a lovely picture of me and also a comment that I don't believe I ever said (in those particular words) ...creative journalism :)

York University kindly mentioning me winning the UK finals ...twice. Was also nice them mentioning the Degree I never did (I did a Bsc not an Msc, but hope to get the Msc certificate in the post soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was also a nice touch that at the end of that video your Apple Mac was clearly visible, nice to keep the competition on there toes. x